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 CSAC Presents Me2/ Classical Music for Mental Health: 
an evening of classical music & connection Tuesday May 20 6:30pm. Free ticket info coming soon!


Save the Date: Saturday, September 13: CSAC's Bocce Tournament Returns

Find out about Interlude, CSAC's new mental health crisis alternative.

OK. You've Got This

Data from schools and organizations serving children show low levels of resiliency among youth and a feeling of being undervalued in their communities which is undermining their belief in themselves and their ability to handle life’s inevitable challenges.

Ok. You’ve Got This is a group who cares passionately about the well-being of Addison County youth and want them to have every possible chance to be successful. Addison County Parent Child Center, Building Bright Futures, the Counseling Service of Addison County, the Vermont Department of Health, the Vermont Department of Children and Families, all three Addison County school districts and many other groups and individuals have joined together to increase public awareness and education about youth resiliency.

What is resilience?

Resilience is the capacity to rise above the difficult circumstances, the trait that allows us to exist in this less-than-perfect world while moving forward with optimism and confidence. It is the ability to recover from setbacks; the quality of bouncing back. It is similar to buoyancy. When pushed under water, our bodies instinctively rise back up to the surface.

Resilient people are more successful because they push their limits and learn from their mistakes.

Learn more about this local resiliency campaign »

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