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 CSAC Presents Me2/ Classical Music for Mental Health: 
an evening of classical music & connection Tuesday May 20 6:30pm. Free ticket info coming soon!


Save the Date: Saturday, September 13: CSAC's Bocce Tournament Returns

Find out about Interlude, CSAC's new mental health crisis alternative.

Services —

Substance use services

Our mission is to provide quality, individualized, outpatient assessment and treatment to individuals and families struggling with alcohol/drug abuse and other addictive disorders. 

Our Philosophy

We understand that alcohol, drug and other addictive disorders develop over time and affect people’s physical, mental, and spiritual states. Our treatment approach is holistic, incorporating the best of mental health and addiction recovery strategies. We see the community as a potential resource in recovery, and encourage clients to design their own support network using Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) (802-388-9284), Turning Point of Addison County (802-388-4249), and other service organizations.

Adult Substance Use Treatment Options

We believe that no single treatment is appropriate for all individuals and work to match treatment services to each individual’s particular problems and needs. Office-based individual, group, and family therapy services are available. 

How to Get an Appointment

The first three steps-

  1. Call the Counseling Service at 388-6751 to schedule an appointment with a member of our Substance Use Team. A receptionist will talk with you confidentially and ask you for some basic contact information. This is passed on to our Intake Coordinator that day.
  2. The Intake Coordinator will contact you to find out more about what services you are looking for, and which office location and appointment times would work best for you. The Intake Coordinator then gives this information to the Substance Use Clinician who best meets your needs. 
  3. The Substance Use Clinician will call you back and arrange an appointment.

Counseling Service of Addison County prioritizes access to Substance Use Disorder Services for pregnant women. At the time of screening and assessment, any woman providing information indicating she is pregnant will be provided immediate prioritized Substance Use/Mental Health Disorder Assessment and Treatment Services at the first available opportunity. Time and day dependent, same day or next day services will be offered.

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