Youth and Family Services provides therapy, community supports, and case management to children, youth, and their families in school, office, home and community-based settings.
What Every Family Should Know
Families are the center of a child’s life! We believe by working closely with you we can make progress on your goals for your child. We offer you our experience and expertise to work in partnership with you. We may offer services in our offices, your home, school, and community. We serve youth ages 0-22 with a variety of presenting problems, including behavioral challenges, social/emotional needs (such as anxiety and depression), trauma, developmental disabilities, autism spectrum, and substance use. Children are often referred by schools, pediatricians, or families. We also want to hear about your child's strengths and what your family enjoys doing together.
CSAC staff values working with families as a whole unit and recognize that struggles parents may be having often affect children. We collaborate with you to look for strengths to build on. With your permission, we coordinate services, behavior plans, and understanding of your child’s needs with partners such as schools, childcare providers, and primary care doctors to help to make services more effective.
Services offered by Youth and Family
Evaluation of complex cases, medication assessment and medication management of complex cases. Ongoing medication management may be referred to primary care physicians. Available for clients engaged in ongoing services only.
Access and crisis supports
Child and family immediate response team. Crisis stabilization and assessment includes hospitalization screening, office-based service, some community outreach, staff and community consultation.
Early childhood mental health
Contractual agreements with the Addison County Parent/Child Center and Mary Johnson Children’s Center provide intensive supports to children up to age 6 and their families within the childcare setting.
Outreach clinicians
Individual and group community supports offer intensive home, school, and community-based treatment and case management services to youth experiencing high-needs. Groups for parents and children including adventure-based services are part of this program.
School-based mental health clinicians
Services are available in many of the area elementary, middle and high schools. Services are referred through school support teams and focus on positive functioning throughout the school day.
Intensive school supports program
Services are contracted through area schools to provide1 one-on-one or school-wide behavioral supports to children with emotional behavioral needs and/or on the autism spectrum. Applied Behavioral Analysis is used as the framework for intervention.
Jump On Board for Success.
Services to youth ages 16-22 with mental health barriers to successful employment. The program coordinates treatment services as well as providing job development and support. The target population is young people who are not in school. -
Office-based therapy
Individual, family and group therapy offered within the office setting. Use of evidence-based practices to treat trauma, depression, anxiety, behavioral problems and the full range of child/family concerns.
Adolescent substance use services
Office-based individual assessment and treatment for youth substance use.
Home-based autism services
Intensive home-based supports for children with developmental disabilities. The program uses Applied Behavioral Analysis as the framework for intervention.
Interagency teaming
It is often important in working with children and families to coordinate services between home, school and community and within the other agencies that may be working with your child. Addison County frequently uses the Coordinated Services Planning process (Act 264) to develop integrated plans.
Child and family specific crisis services are available through our Access Team Monday - Friday from 9am to 6pm. The CSAC Emergency Team covers afterhours calls for children and families. CSAC accepts Medicaid and all insurance providers. Our billing office is happy to work with those who are under-insured or uninsured.