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 CSAC Presents Me2/ Classical Music for Mental Health: 
an evening of classical music & connection Tuesday May 20 6:30pm. Free ticket info coming soon!


Save the Date: Saturday, September 13: CSAC's Bocce Tournament Returns

Find out about Interlude, CSAC's new mental health crisis alternative.

Howard Center is reaching more people by making it easier to access services

Enhancing emergency support and public safety through community mental health

Vermont’s Mobile Crisis Teams, including peer support staff, offer rapid response and real support

Over 180 individuals served and over 1,000 contacts made since the program’s inception in late 2023

Treatment Associates joins Washington County Mental Health Services: Collaborating towards a shared vision

Building a workforce where everyone participates and belongs

Peer Growth and Lifelong Learning program empowers adults with developmental disabilities to explore, share, and celebrate their passions

Expanding housing options to meet the needs of Vermonters

The mental health of Vermont’s children and youth is at a crisis level never seen before.

The impact of homelessness on people with I/DD is far-reaching

On Thursday, Sept. 12, Vermont Care Partners and its community members, friends and supporters will come together to thank the dedicated direct service professionals who give of themselves to help others as they navigate daily life.

Please join the fun and visit the Vermont statehouse lawn starting at 10 a.m. to make signs and story garden flags, hear speeches and, if you'd like, hop on the mic yourself to share during an "open mic" session.

CSAC featured in this Addison County Independent Article by John Flowers: Mental health aid evolves post-COVID

Read CSAC’s article: Parenting class on trauma’s impact. Parents make shifts at home, creates ripple effect of change for families.

Read the latest Vermont Care Partners (VCP) sponsored spotlight article -a several month series highlighting the work of Vermont’s Designated Agencies. This latest article is about Vermont’s statewide enhanced Mobile Crisis Program. VCP is the statewide network of sixteen non-profit community-based agencies including CSAC, providing mental health, substance use, and intellectual and developmental disability services and supports. Stay tuned each week for latest featured article!.

A new collaboration between Community Care Network – Rutland Mental Health Services and the Reinbow Riding Center has introduced Equine Therapy as a successful intervention for families seeking help with emotional or behavioral problems.

The team engages, builds trust, and acts as ambassadors for Howard Center services in Vermont’s resettled communities.

For too long, opportunities and expectations for youth with intellectual disabilities and autism – and the expectations they set for themselves – were modest. Strong and expanding partnerships between Vermont Care Partner network agencies, schools, state government, and Vermont employers have opened the door for fuller participation. And now expectations, and achievements, are rising.

HCRS’ Kindle Farm and Other VT Therapeutic Schools Provide Depth to Educational System

Read “Creating Communities: the Benefits of Shared Living” the latest sponsor spotlight series article from Vermont Care Partners (VCP) partner agencies like CSAC, appearing in VTDigger.

Read up on the Vermont’s Children’s Health Crisis the latest sponsor spotlight series article from Vermont Care Partners (VCP) partner agencies like CSAC, appearing in VTDigger.

Read the latest! Supported Employment: wellness, meaningful work, filling jobs, the latest sponsor spotlight series article from Vermont Care Partners (VCP) partner agencies like CSAC, appearing in VTDigger.

Read this week’s Vermont Care Partners sponsored spotlight article-a several month series highlighting the work of Vermont’s Designated Agencies. Vermont Care Partners is the statewide network of sixteen non-profit community-based agencies including CSAC, providing mental health, substance use, and intellectual and developmental disability services and supports. Read this week’s article: Healing Trauma through EMDR. Stay tuned each week for latest featured article!

CSAC's Board of Director's issues statement affirming commitment to becoming an anti-racist organization.

A two part film by Ken Burns
Monday, June 27 at 9 pm and
Tuesday, June 28 at 9 pm.
on PBS (

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Fourth in a month-long series from VT Dept. of Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Third in a month-long series from VT Dept. of Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
Second in a month-long series from VT Dept. of Mental Health

May is Mental Health Awareness Month
First in a month-long series from VT Dept. of Mental Health

Consider joining the Board of Directors at CSAC.

A game-changer; embedded mental health crisis specialists within Vermont State Police

" Previous to the pandemic, I used to provide mental health care in roughly 25 percent of my clinic visits. Since the pandemic, this has increased to 50 to 60% of my daily practice."
- Dr. Ashley Miller, pediatrician and owner of the South Royalton Health Center.

Taking an early lead in supporting children and families through the pandemic can have lasting effects.

"Looking at my screen
Faces smiling back at me
Connections are made"
(Haiku from anonymous CSAC bard, 2022)

“[I] have never testified at the Legislature that we're concerned about the health and safety of some of the people we serve.... I've never [before] said that.” - Julie Tessler, Executive Director, Vermont Care Partners (VCP)

With COVID-19 creating many difficulties for nursing homes, the Adult Family Care model can be an appealing option for individuals seeking a more comfortable and enriching home environment.

“Since the pandemic started the frequency of overdoses has been heartbreaking. We need to reach people who can’t get to our brick-and-mortar sites,” said Grace Keller, Director of Howard Center’s Safe Recovery program where the mobile clinic will be based.

The American Academy of Pediatrics, the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, and the Surgeon General of the United States have all declared the state of children’s mental health a national crisis. That’s because a great many kids and their families in the US and in Vermont are experiencing issues in life like those described in this article. Families have never before been in such distress as they are these days.

Vermont Care Partners is encouraging Vermonters to call their legislators and demand that the state lift the agencies’ Medicaid rates to meet the current need, and to increase yearly funding moving forward.

Interviews with Rachel Cummings and Beth Sightler, executive directors at Counseling Service of Addison County and Champlain Community Services, respectively.

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