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 CSAC Presents Me2/ Classical Music for Mental Health: 
an evening of classical music & connection Tuesday May 20 6:30pm. Free ticket info coming soon!


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Services » Adult Mental Health —

Outpatient services

Adult Outpatient is a division of the Counseling Service of Addison County that provides both short and long term mental health and addiction recovery services to adults. These services can take place in one of our offices, or in the case of elderly services, in a person's home or other community setting. Staff providing counseling, assessment, consultation, emergency, psychiatric, and/or mediation services are all committed to helping people lead healthier and more satisfying lives.

The Mission of Adult Outpatient Services

We're here to help you. We recognize that each individual has different needs, and tailor our services to meet your needs. Some people engage our services on their own in a planned way to meet a personal need or to accomplish a life goal, while others are referred to us by physicians, human service workers, courts, clergy, or family friends. Some people reach out to us in an emergency situation. We are highly responsive to the needs of individuals and our county community.

We believe the wellness of individuals in the community enhances the wellness of the entire community.

Services Provided by the Adult Outpatient Division

Adult OutPatient (AOP) offers individual and group therapy for people dealing with depression, anxiety, stress, substance abuse, relationship problems and other issues. Clients are asked, when clinically appropriate, to agree to an individualized therapeutic contract that specifies not only the length of time but also issues to address.

Addiction Recovery Services
We understand that alcohol, drug and other addictive disorders develop over time and interrelate with an individual's physical, mental, spiritual and social states. Our treatment approach is appropriately holistic, incorporating the best of mental and behavioral health and substance abuse strategies.

We see the community as a potential resource for support in recovery, and encourage clients to design their own network using AA, NA, church groups, social clubs, family, friends and/or other service providers. You can find more information about Addiction Recovery here.

Addiction Recovery Treatment Options for Adults
We provide a broad range of treatment modalities. A variety of groups are ongoing, and our experience has taught us that, even for people who don't like groups, this form of treatment gets the quickest and most long lasting results.

Consultation, Assessment, and Outreach
CSAC is the  State Designated mental health agency for Addison County which gives us experience across a full range of community mental health services. Our staff works together in order to determine the most effective course of treatment for each individual and we have strong working relationships with area health providers and community resources. We reach out and collaborate with community partners to establish the most complete assessment possible.

Psychiatric Services and Pharmacologic Treatment
Two Psychiatrists and two Advanced Practice nurses offer pharmacologic treatment and supports across the spectrum of community mental health services through consultation as well as individual treatment.

Employee Assistance Program
EAP is a service to assist troubled employees quickly, professionally, and confidentially in overcoming persistent personal problems that impair job performance. Additionally, there exists free, immediate access to assessment and referral for substance abuse problems for those whose employer contracts with CSAC for these services.

Emergency and/or Crisis Services
The Counseling Service provides 24 hour emergency services for residents of Addison County experiencing a mental health crisis.
Such crises may include:

  • Depression
  • Acute anxiety
  • Suicidal and homicidal thinking or behavior
  • Family problems
  • Mental illness 
  • Alcohol or drug emergencies.

We assist callers in resolving the immediate crisis and in making plans for follow up services if needed. The services offered include:

  • Risk assessment 
  • Psychosocial assessment
  • Supportive counseling
  • Critical incident/post traumatic stress debriefing
  • Short-term and follow up treatment
  • Coordination of other services such as hospitalization (voluntary and involuntary)
  • Psychiatric consultation.

These services are provided on the telephone, face-to-face at our office, at UVM Health Network--Porter Emergency Department, through Middlebury College Health Services, Middlebury Police Station, Vermont State Police Station, or in other locations depending on the situation.

If you feel a mental health problem is more than you can cope with, please call: Emergency / Crisis Services (24 hours, 365 days per year)
Phone (802) 388-7641

How to get an appointment

After hours you will be asked to leave a call back number and one of our clinicians will call you back shortly.

  1. Call the Counseling Service at 388-6751 to schedule an appointment with a member of our Staff. A receptionist will task you some basic contact information. This is passed on to our Intake Coordinator that day.
  2. The Intake Coordinator will call you back to find out more about what services you are looking for, and which office location and appointment times would work best for you, The Intake Coordinator then gives this information to the Intake Clinician who will be your first point of contact.
  3. The Intake Clinician will call you back to arrange an appointment.

Contact us

CSAC’s Adult Outpatient Services
89 Main Street
Middlebury, Vermont 05753
Phone (802) 388-6751

Emergency Services
Call (802) 388-7641
24 hours a day / 365 Days a year
Or 911 if you need immediate assistance.

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